Even Still, is a short film about creating a life that is joyful to live through the experience of transness. It’s about building community, breaking free of public perception, and cultivating the things in life that bring happiness. It’s about how life is painful, but still so beautiful and precious nonetheless. These things can never be separated, but neither one can erase the other. The film follows the interwoven threads of the experiences of three characters: Zeke, Callisto, and Irene, but also aims to capture how the trans community is so much bigger than any one, or three, experiences can show. I use surreal and experimental aesthetics to break free of the conventional, in an effort to try and dig deeper into amorphous feelings that surround these experiences. 

The film is currently wrapping up production and should be finished by mid April. Once it is done I will create and release a trailer, and eventually after film festivals, I will post it publicly